We support the growth and internationalization of businesses

business team

Innovation, Growth

INNOVATION and INTERNATIONALIZATION make difference for companies seeking true competitive advantages in continuously growing markets.

Intercepting the drivers of growth may require energy and time, which is why we are ready to provide support for:

  • Legal shield for the protection of intellectual property
  • Reduction of time and risks in internationalization through detailed and comprehensive contracts
  • Tax optimization related to trademarks and patents
  • Legal support abroad
  • Attraction of investments

There is a world of unexplored potential. Let's explore it and create global successes together.

In an era where innovation and internationalization have become imperative for business success, Parolin.Legal is a guiding beacon for Italian SMEs looking to fully leverage the competitive advantages offered by international markets driven by ever-increasing demand. 

We do this with three particular tools:


Every project involves specific technical and legal aspects and deserves specialized expertise that only a few firms can combine.
In our studio, the registration of your trademark or patent will be much more than an administrative practice; it will be an opportunity for in-depth analysis and strategic planning.

What we do

Our team of qualified lawyers and consultants provides a service always at the highest levels in terms of expertise and specialization, focused on four specific sectors:

Trademark Registration

In a world where competition is increasingly fierce, and corporate identity is a fundamental element for standing out, trademark registration becomes an essential step to ensure a future of success.
Group 1244

Patent Protection

Patent registration plays a crucial role in protecting, enhancing, and supporting the work of those seeking to make a difference through new discoveries and inventions.
Group 1245

Business Contracts

This legal field involves the creation, negotiation, execution, and interpretation of contracts between businesses, establishing reciprocal rights and obligations. 
Group 1246

Innovative Startups

In Italy, innovative startups enjoy facilitated treatment and targeted support, both at the regulatory and financial levels, opening significant prospects for economic progress and value creation in the country.

Our Successes

We believe in local companies and support innovation and internationalization through strategic and effective solutions for expansion because WINNING IDEAS KNOW NO BOUNDARIES, and we know that, with the right support, they can turn into successful realities in appropriate markets and territories.